How to Install IPTV on Formuler Box/Device (MYTV Online 2).

FormulerZ devices, including the FormulerZ8, offer seamless IPTV streaming with support for both MAC-based Portal Systems and M3U-based Playlists. This guide applies to all Formuler models.

1. Open MYTV Online 2 App

  • Open the Google Play Store on your Formuler device.
  • Search for “MYTV Online 2” or use the link above.
  • Click Install and wait for the app to download and install.

👉 Download MYTV Online 2 App: MYTV Online 2 on Google Play Store

2. Open the MYTV Online 2 App

  • Launch the app from your Home Screen or Apps Menu.
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3. Locate the MAC Address

  • The MAC address of your Formuler device is displayed in the top-right corner of the app.
  • Provide this MAC address to your IPTV service provider for activation.
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4. Set Up IPTV on MYTV Online 2

🔗 Option 1: Add Portal (MAC-Based Setup)

  1. Select “Add Portal” to configure the device as a MAC-based device like MAG boxes.
  2. Enter the required information:
    • Portal Nickname: Any name you prefer, e.g., MYIPTV.
    • Portal URL: The IPTV Portal URL provided by your IPTV service provider.
  3. Click “CONNECT” to link the portal.

📂 Option 2: Add Playlist (M3U-Based Setup)

  1. Choose “Add Playlist” instead of “Add Portal”.
  2. Provide the M3U Playlist URL received from your IPTV service.
  3. Set a Profile Name and click “CONNECT”.

🔗 Option 1: Add Portal (MAC-Based Setup)

  1. Select “Add Portal” to configure the device as a MAC-based device like MAG boxes.
  2. Enter the required information:
    • Portal Nickname: Any name you prefer, e.g., MYIPTV.
    • Portal URL: The IPTV Portal URL provided by your IPTV service provider.
  3. Click “CONNECT” to link the portal.
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5. Enjoy Your IPTV Content

  • The app will load all channels and content associated with your subscription.
  • This process might take a few minutes, depending on your internet speed and the size of the playlist.